Reiki & Tarot

Psychic Reiki Sessions 

The essence of Reiki can be described as an energy that originates from the Universal Life Force, which is the same energy that makes a seed sprout or an embryo grow. There is a natural healing frequency within the feeling of Unconditional Love, and Reiki resonates at the same wavelength. 

Psychic Reiki is a system of Energy Mediumship that is natural and non-invasive. During a session, I act as a “copper wire” for Universal Life Force Energy to be transmitted to you. Through this energetic connection, I am able to scan your energy field for imbalances and blockages. I also open up to communication from your physical body, your Spirit Guides and any parts of you that need to be heard.

I gather helpful insights and “homework” suggestions that will support your daily habits and assist your personal growth or healing. The transfer of Reiki energy to the body creates a safe container that soothes the nervous system and enhances the body's natural ability to heal itself.

The style of Reiki that I practice at Prismatic Healing is unique in that it incorporates Psychic and Medical Intuition techniques, resulting in crystal-clear insights that help you understand yourself and your energetic field from new, broader perspectives. When channeling the powerful, harmonizing Reiki energy into you, it clears energetic stagnancies, balances the flow of your energy, and often reveals a hidden meaning behind your issues. 

You can receive this energy from wherever you are in the world. In fact, a Distance Reiki session is just as powerful when transmitted to you remotely as it is in-person. 

$111 for a 60 minute session

Intuitive Tarot Sessions 

I use the Tarot to tune into the energy of any situation or issue in order to help you navigate with ease and discover a broader perspective. We’ll explore the possible influences of your current circumstances and the probable trajectory of your near future. Every session is Reiki-infused and has the potential to be deeply therapeutic. Tarot guidance is a wonderful tool for exploring the hidden meaning behind your problems. The cards can tell a story that can clarify any confusion, worry, or fear you may be experiencing.

1-2 Questions, 30min $55

2-3 Questions, 45min $88

NOTE: All tarot readings are virtual, unless discussed beforehand or when added to an in-person session.

Paradigm Shift Package 

Get a 60-minute Intuitive Tarot reading followed by two Psychic Reiki sessions, all within the course of three weeks.

Whether you're feeling stuck, confused, complacent, frustrated, disassociated, or afraid of the future; this package is designed to help you get over those feelings and move ahead in your life with confidence, grace and ease.

The time for a paradigm shift is now, not later!

Cost: $333

All three Paradigm Shift sessions must be used within 21 days of the first booking.




Frequently Asked Questions 

Q: What are the benefits of Reiki? 

A: Reiki is beneficial to restoring balance to your body, mind, and spirit. There is a very light touch of energy on or above the body during a Reiki session that is noninvasive. As a result, Reiki resolves physical and emotional pain without the contraindications associated with other forms of touch therapy or bodywork.

Q: How often should I receive Reiki? 

A: This question will be addressed during your first Reiki session. I will need to know what your intentions are for the Reiki session. In deciding how many sessions to receive, it is usually helpful to understand the symptoms you are looking to address and whether you need ongoing care that is either traditional or holistic. 

Q: How frequently should Reiki sessions be scheduled?

A: There are different frequency options for sessions, such as weekly, every other week, or monthly. Reiki sessions can also be scheduled whenever you feel the need. It is advisable to trust your inner knowing or intuition when scheduling a session. As we use our intuition, we gain access to a realm of vast information provided by Reiki and the Universal Life Force Energy.

Q: Is there anyone who should avoid Reiki due to their medical conditions?

A: The use of Reiki has not been associated with any adverse effects. Reiki sessions are non-invasive and can be used simultaneously with conventional medical care. Neither ingesting any substances nor mixing substances with prescription medications is required. The Reiki treatment does not override the effects of medical interventions, but rather supports them. 

Q: Why is a Tarot reading necessary? 

A: Without an accurate picture of your life, you cannot make informed decisions. When you use Tarot, you can get insight into what's going on beneath the surface. It is common for Tarot readings to be perceived as psychological or predictive, but the cards can do both at the same time. This provides a pathway to deal with subconscious beliefs, as a fuller picture emerges during a reading. 

Q: Are Tarot and fortune telling the same? 

A: No. The purpose of a tarot reading is to determine an “energetic forecast” of the current trajectory moving through your life and to discover what is in your highest interest. The message you receive from your reading will contain information pertinent to your situation. Often Tarot readings highlight what you cannot see or struggle to accept. 

Q: What is the difference between a Psychic Reader and a Medium?

A: The psychic reader scans the energy around you, your life, and those close to you who are influencing your life based on the current state of your personal energetic signature. You will receive messages from spirits close to you through a Medium. Psychic Reiki often contains elements of both.