Do Massage and Reiki Go Together?

A massage therapist has extensive knowledge and experience with natural healing methods in their practice. Some of the top natural healing methods are massage therapy, acupuncture, meditation, reflexology, aromatherapy, naturopathy, and reiki. These natural healing methods can provide a more holistic approach to your health than conventional medicine. However, you may be wondering how the different healing methods work and if some healing types can go together. In this article, we’ll discuss if massage and reiki go together, what massage therapy is, what reiki massage is, and the benefits of massage and reiki.

massage parlor

What Is Massage Therapy?

Natural healing methods have grown in popularity in recent years and continue to provide effective healing results. However, there are different types of natural healing, each with its own distinctions and benefits for your body and energy wellness. A standard massage, for instance, is significantly different from massage therapy. A standard massage is something you can find commonly at a spa or other relaxation business. In a spa setting, there is often no clear goal in mind for your wellness. Often, the goal of a spa massage is more toward de-stressing and relaxing a person rather than working to effectively heal the roots of their pain.

In contrast, massage therapy caters to the body’s unique needs and facilitates impactful healing. It is often used in conjunction with other types of therapy, such as chiropractic adjustments. A massage at a spa is a one-time event, whereas a person will likely have several massage therapy sessions to properly address your pain and bring lasting healing from your issues. If you’re looking for a massage to heal a medical condition such as one caused by a car accident or other physical trauma, you won’t find it at a spa. Your body, including your fascial system, remembers trauma, and massage therapy can help relieve it instead of leaving it unaddressed.

massage and reiki together

What Is Reiki Massage?

In discussing massage therapy, there are also various types of therapeutic massages that can improve your energy and body wellness. Some of the main types of therapeutic massages are Swedish relaxation, deep tissue, sports, reflexology, myofascial, craniosacral, and reiki. Reiki is an energy healing practice. It is a safe, non-invasive, and gentle type of energy-based, hands-on natural healing. Reiki reduces stress and anxiety while promoting relaxation through the gentle touch of a massage therapist. Reiki massage therapists use their hands to deliver energy to the body, improving the balance and flow of your energy to support lasting healing.

Mikao Usui developed reiki in the 1900s, deriving the name from the Japanese words rei, meaning “universal”, and ki, which is the life energy flowing through each living thing. Many massage therapists now practice reiki around the world and it can effectively complement other treatments and types of massage. Reiki helps people become energetically balanced- emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. Many occupations can cause forms of trauma that can then cause a ripple effect in the body. Energy healing, such as declarations, washing the body with cold water, and energy transference with a therapist or by yourself can really help.

Reiki Massage Benefits

Reiki massage has many benefits as an energy healing practice. It promotes symptom relief, relaxation, stress reduction, and more. It can also foster bone and tissue healing after injury or surgery, bring on a meditative state, and relieve tension and pain. By stimulating your body’s immune system, reiki also helps promote natural self-healing now and in the future after a session. It can support the well-being of someone receiving types of traditional medical treatment, such as radiation, chemotherapy, kidney dialysis, and surgery. Studies show that reiki massages can bring feelings of relaxation as well as peace, security, and wellness.

In complementing other types of therapeutic and medical treatments, reiki can also increase the effectiveness of other forms of healing. Even if you’re already in a state of relatively good health, regular reiki massage treatments can enhance your body’s ability to respond to anxiety and stress, serving as a type of preventative medicine. Owing to reiki’s positive effects on the entire self, including your emotions, mind, and body, and because it’s a universal life force treatment, reiki can be successful in nearly all forms of emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual healing. It can help people with chronic pain, cancer, infertility, Parkinson’s, digestive problems, and more.

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Reiki and Massage Together

As a massage therapist, reiki is the perfect addition to the list of offerings as a less invasive treatment for clients that are reluctant to remove clothing for a Swedish massage or another more hands-on technique. Many therapists also incorporate reiki during a therapeutic massage to more deeply penetrate the body’s tissues with healing energy. Other practitioners use reiki after a full-body massage to ensure clients leave with an extra sense and dimension of wellbeing. Other forms of massage and reiki go together perfectly as natural healing complements. You can have more rounded wellness with another massage and reiki combined.

Attuned massage therapy sessions can work to address your range of body needs and bring impactful healing of past and present trauma. Attuned reiki on its own or mixed into massage therapy sessions can add to more hands-on healing with energy-based natural healing. You can see other therapeutic massage and reiki as body and energy healing methods that complement each other and add to a wellness experience to give rounded healing. There are also additional opportunities with reiki, as you can practice reiki virtually with a massage therapist or even study with a great reiki teacher to become a reiki practitioner and practice it on your own.

Massage and Reiki Together for Wellness

For the highest levels of rounded emotional, physical, spiritual, and mental wellness, consider other types of therapeutic massage and reiki together. You can have all the body and energy benefits of both wellness types for increased wellness and personal success. To experience more rounded healing, connect with Prismatic Healing in West Town today.


Fixing Your Physical and Emotional Pain With Reiki Massage


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