Fixing Your Physical and Emotional Pain With Reiki Massage

Reiki is an ancient yet straightforward healing method. It can produce profound results all with the use of energy transference, positive mindsets, and the gentle touch of a skilled practitioner. Whether you want to use reiki for energy level balancing, emotional healing from a traumatic incident, or to develop yourself more spiritually, reiki has endless benefits. In this article, we’ll discuss fixing your physical and emotional pain with reiki massage and what reiki is good for, including how you can use reiki for anxiety and how you can use reiki for depression. Knowing more about this impactful massage type is the first step to effective relief.

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What Is Reiki?

Maybe you’ve heard of the practice known as reiki before but don’t know much about it. Maybe you’re considering reiki for the first time but don’t know if it’s right for your healing and wellness. Or perhaps your physician suggested reiki massage as a type of therapy complementary to your current medical treatments. Reiki is a gentle, safe, non-invasive type of energy-based, hands-on healing that can have several positive impacts on your body. It is a healing technique that reduces stress, promotes relaxation, and more, all through the use of gentle touch. Trained practitioners deliver energy to your body using their hands.

By delivering energy to your body with the use of hands, your body can experience improvements in the balance and flow of energy. Improvements in your body’s balance and flow then support easier and quicker healing from many different ailments. When you endure physical, mental, or emotional trauma, your body remembers and continues to carry subtle tension that can lead to chronic pain, torsion, and digestive issues, among others. Energy work such as reiki can address this carried trauma. Reiki will work to unwind and soften your myofascial adhesions as your energy harmonizes and heals.

What Is Reiki Good For?

Did you know that reiki can even work from a distance? From a distance, reiki can work to relieve many types of tension and pain. Often, in severe cases of stuck facial tissue, the facial tissue even prefers to release without physical contact. During reiki, the practitioner may move their hands away from the affected tissues and simply hover above the body. While you may be hesitant to believe reiki can work without physical touch, most report feeling tingling, warmth, pulsing, or gentle pressure while also feeling more grounded. Experiencing distance reiki in your personal space can also cause your nervous system to be more at ease.

In addition to promoting the healthy flow and renewal of your vital life energy, reiki is good for a multitude of other afflictions and issues. It can help you to manage a range of chronic conditions such as limited range of motion, muscle aches, fatigue, and mood disorders. It can complement traditional medical treatments such as surgery, radiation, kidney dialysis, and chemotherapy. Emotionally, you can feel the benefits of peace, security, and wellness. With an energy balance boost, your body can even work better at healing itself, right after a session and long after. You can also find relief from insomnia, headaches, anxiety, and depression. 

fixing with massage and reiki

Reiki for Anxiety

Reiki is good for many things, including any anxiety you may feel day-to-day. Gentle touch itself can provide effective relief from your anxiety and other ailments, and reiki is a focused and honed wellness practice that dates back to the early 20th Century with Mikao Usui, the renowned teacher and creator of reiki. Reiki can promote a sense of calm and relaxation to work at soothing even your deepest anxieties. By reducing fatigue and increasing your body’s energy levels, reiki can also help your body’s ability to confront, explore, and resolve some daily anxieties you may be experiencing about yourself, others, and a myriad of other life topics.

You can see your issues, transformations, and answers better with reiki. As a creative, partner, parent, leader, mystic, or healer, there are endless benefits. As a creator, you can have better focus, more ideas, stronger confidence, and a deeper understanding of the human condition. If you are a therapist or health care provider, you can have more empathy, less energy drainage, more mental clarity, and provide a warm presence. If you are a healer, you can have better discernment, faster manifestation, and sharper intuition.  If you are a parent, you can have more patience, better problem-solving, and a deeper connection to unconditional love. 

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Reiki for Depression

Reiki also provides relief for any depression you may experience day-to-day. Depression affects around 280 million people worldwide. In early 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, depression rates for US adults grew from around 8.5% up to around 27.8%. As depression rates continue to rise, you may wonder how reiki can give you clarity and relief from your depression. Finding a beneficial treatment for your depression is essential to your health and well-being. Reiki can help your depression in many ways, including giving you a better sense of physical and mental balance and restoring the feelings of control over your life.

Learning how to channel reiki with a skilled practitioner or on your own given some practice and training is all about remembering how to tune into your connection to your electromagnetic life force. Your life force energy can mirror unconditional love, and remain unaffected by worry, doubt, fear, anger, or judgment. It will always be supportive and never harm. Knowledge of and experiences with reiki allow you to remember that you are never alone and are more powerful than you may believe. With reiki, you can heal, co-create, and manifest your best self and life with a deeper connection to yourself and your life force energy.

Using Reiki for Your Physical and Emotional Pain 

Energy healing practices such as reiki are long-standing, honed techniques that bring effective emotional, physical, and spiritual relief. To begin fixing your physical and emotional pain with reiki massage, connect with Prismatic Healing today. 


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