Non-Traditional Massage in Chicago

In the Chicago area, there are several non-traditional massage services. Most people seek a massage for relaxation and pain management, but massage therapy has many other benefits. For example, the benefits of massage include pain relief, easing muscle tension, relaxation, as well as facilitating emotional and spiritual healing. The variety of massage therapy available contributes in different ways to a person's healing process. 

People experiencing acute pain or who have never received a massage before may struggle to determine what kind of massage is best. Identifying the best type of massage for your individual needs requires an understanding of the differences between a variety of massage services. It is also important to understand the difference between traditional and non-traditional massage methods while deciding which massage service to book. 

Take a look at these non-traditional massage services in Chicago before booking one.

man getting reiki treatment

Traditional Massage Services

Thousands of years have passed since massage therapy was first practiced. Today, different styles exist with various levels of pressure, movements, and techniques. At this time, massage therapy is often associated with relaxation. Though physical health issues of an orthopedic and musculoskeletal nature are also becoming a primary focus in modern massage therapy. 

Spirituality, trauma, and emotional healing rarely play a role in modern massage sessions, as this was not traditionally the case when it comes to massage. It is becoming more typical for traditional massage modalities to address physical, spiritual, and emotional healing altogether as a part of a session. 

While it may take some work to find, there are a variety of modern massage treatments that combine traditional massage modalities with modern massage techniques. For example, Prismatic Healing’s Paradigm Shift Package combines Tarot readings with Reiki and this can be done in conjunction with body massage for highly transformative results. 

Body Massage Specializations 

Body massage can be classified into many types, each with its own benefits. To achieve tailored results, different types of massage have been developed to target specific problems or areas of concern. Massage therapists are generally specialized in many different areas of body massage. 

The various types of massage require different training before a massage therapist can begin providing them to clients. Typically, massage therapists are required to complete an examination and gain practical experience as part of the regulation or licensing process. Before booking a body massage, confirm the therapist has completed the appropriate training. 

non-traditional massage

Traditional and Non-Traditional Massage 

Traditional and non-traditional massage therapies use a wide variety of modalities, such as the popular styles listed below. 

Traditional Massage Services

  • Swedish massage

Relaxation is the key to a Swedish massage. A Swedish massage is generally a full-body massage using broad strokes and a gentle touch. The whole body is involved in a traditional Swedish massage. During the massage, the therapist will use an oil or lotion to facilitate smooth and long strokes. Hands, forearms and fingers are used to press, rub, or manipulate muscles and other soft tissues. 

  • Deep tissue massage

The purpose of deep tissue massage is different from Swedish massage. Muscles get tight from repetitive use. The pressure used in deep tissue massage differs from Swedish massage, which uses more stroking and kneading. A therapist applies increasing pressure to each layer of muscle to reach the underlying tissue. As a result, uncomfortable pressure can sometimes occur during a deep tissue massage, so it’s always important to communicate your needs to your therapist during the session. A massage like this facilitates healing by releasing contracted muscles. 

  •  Sports massage

In the same way that deep-tissue massage targets specific muscles, sports massage targets those that are overworked from sports or other repetitive physical activity. While not exclusive to a sports massage, trigger point work is common in this type of massage service. Trigger points are tiny spasms or tight spots in the muscles. During a trigger point massage, the massage therapist uses focused and direct pressure to target those points. As a result, blood flow increases to the areas, allowing them to be released. (NOTE: I don’t offer Sports Massage at Prismatic Healing but I do often integrate Trigger Point Therapy and passive stretching techniques when necessary.)

Non-Traditional Massage Services 

  • Reiki Massage  

In its most basic sense, Reiki is a form of energy that comes from the Life Force and is derived from the Divine. Massage and reiki are complementary natural healing techniques. The body's range of energetic needs can be addressed by receiving a massage from a Reiki-attuned massage therapist. The healing energy of Reiki can penetrate the body's nervous system, organs and other tissues during a massage. By incorporating energy-based natural healing into a massage, past and present trauma can be treated. 

  • Chakra balancing 

An energy healing technique called chakra balancing works by channeling energy into each chakra. When the chakras are blocked, problems can arise. Both physically and emotionally, we'll feel grounded and secure when our chakras are aligned and open. Chakra balancing can be done with Reiki. The term Ki refers to energy in the Reiki system. There are two ways that Ki can flow in your body: healthy and unhealthy. In order for it to be considered healthy, it should flow freely and unblocked. 

Our emotions are primarily driven by the energy of Ki, which is our primary energy source. There are pathways within our physical body that carry it through. These pathways are called chakras. In a healthy body, where Ki flows freely and our chakras are in balance, we feel a sense of well-being in our bodies. This makes it possible to fix physical and emotional pain with reiki

  • Sound bath 

Sound baths are meditative experiences in which people lie down and listen to resonant sounds. This technique often involves singing bowls, which make a resonating sound that fills the room. The body may undergo many changes during a sound bath, including heightened awareness, sharper intuition, and increased energy. Among the many sound healing methods, binaural beats, tuning fork therapy, vibrational sound therapy, and music for healing are a few that are commonly used. 

reiki healer

Massage Services at Prismatic Healing 

It is possible to receive a variety of massage services in Chicago, each with its own unique benefits. One of the most effective massages in West Town is provided by Prismatic Healing. 

Amber Renee at Prismatic Healing offers a variety of massage services. Her offerings include: therapeutic massages, reiki massages, psychic reiki healing, and intuitive tarot readings. 

Experience the benefits of deep relaxation, stress reduction, chakra balancing, and spiritual transformation by scheduling a session today. As a healing center, Amber Renee is ready to deliver the Prismatic Healing benefits of her vast knowledge of energy and bodily healing practices.




Fixing Your Physical and Emotional Pain With Reiki Massage